Pewter Games Studios
Based in Ireland
Founding date:
September 2013
Press / Business contact:
The Little Acre
Filthy Animals
Founded by Christopher Conlan and Ben Clavin, Pewter Games Studios is based in Ireland. In 2016 they released their first title, The Little Acre. Their next game, Filthy Animals is due to release in 2022. Visit https://www.filthyanimalsgame.com/ for more information.
Early historyLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vel nisi dolor. Pellentesque vitae eros velit, quis venenatis orci. Phasellus elit urna, semper ut gravida et, porta non dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean porta volutpat imperdiet. Maecenas venenatis, tellus eget vehicula vulputate, augue erat elementum quam, tincidunt laoreet magna orci et mauris. Proin porttitor pharetra nisi, accumsan sollicitudin neque varius a. Aenean ut massa ipsum, id hendrerit lacus. Maecenas posuere egestas nunc at cursus. Etiam mollis libero vel eros pulvinar aliquam. Sed vitae turpis sed nibh venenatis dictum. Sed suscipit orci justo, at sagittis ante. Sed leo nisl, ultricies in fermentum id, aliquam id dolor. Ut laoreet, felis id posuere bibendum, arcu ipsum lacinia est, eu lobortis velit enim eget mi. In ullamcorper ullamcorper enim ut gravida. Vivamus rutrum lacus mollis risus malesuada iaculis.
This video is nice YouTube
There are far more images available for Pewter Games Studios, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
- "Winner in this highly relevant contest." - Award Location, 20 October, 1989
- "Nomination for this prestigious award." - Award Ceremony, 4 December, 1991
- "Winner in this highly relevant contest." - Award Location, 20 October, 1989
- "Nomination for this prestigious award." - Award Ceremony, 4 December, 1991
Selected Articles
- "This is a rather insignificant quote by a highly important person."
- Person Name, Website - "An extremely positive quote from a rather insignificant person. Also great."
- Some Guy, This Page Is Visited By 12 Visitors A Month - "I pretend to love this game even though I do not actually understand it."
- Pretentious Bastard, Artsy Page - "HOLY SHIT SO AMAZING"
- Caps Guy, Angry Review
Additional Links
Company Link #1
This link is a link that might be useful. You can check it out at http:.
Team & Repeating Collaborator
Christopher Conlan
Ben Clavin
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks