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January 2015

2015 IS A GO

By Gaming, The Little Acre One Comment

Hi everyone!

We thought it would be nice to start 2015 by coming up for air and telling everyone about what we’ve been up to, so let me quickly bring you up to speed. 2014 was great. The first half of it was spent on finishing a fully playable portion of the game and showing as many people as possible, and we did pretty well there. We went to GDC, we got Greenlit on Steam, and we got funded just enough for us to work on this full-time.

The latter half of 2014 was then spent on making the game even better. In the process of doing so, we’ve made a lot of changes. Almost every aspect of the game that we showed to people almost a year ago has now been replaced – artwork, animations, code, writing – even the story has changed a little to suit a change in game-play mechanics (that probably deserves a blog post of its own). The simple reasoning behind this is that we looked at what we had, and knew that we could do better. It probably comes down to experience – this is our first major title (even though it’s relatively little), and we’ve already learned tons.

The Pewter Games team has also expanded from four to six, yay! In case you didn’t know, traditional animation is hard. It’s also time consuming, which is why a full half of the team is devoted to exactly that. Even at that, it’s a lot of work for three people, so if anyone knows a good hand masseuse our animation team would appreciate it. Despite this, it looks beautiful, and we think it’s worth it.

Going back to the plethora of updates we’ve made to the game – we felt we should mention that we plan to update the various screenshots, videos, and all other things Little Acre currently online, such as our Steam Greenlight page, IndieDB, etc, which no longer accurately represent the game. We’ll be timing this with the release of a new video which will demonstrate those changes in a comparative way, and hopefully people will agree that it’s been worth the wait. If you’ve liked us on Facebook, you might have already caught a few glimpses of The Little Acre during one of our livestreams.

We’ve got an exciting announcement to make soon, but until then, have a gif. hope ur not looking at dis on ur phne internet

Lily and Dougal